Good riddance, Ayatollah Cheney

Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the worst vice-president ever, Dick Cheney. That’s not right. Only 23% ! C’mon, people, we can do better. Let’s sock it to this friend-shooter, dictatorial, immoral warmonger. He has the bloody cheek to claim that he’s not troubled by the polls. That hits right at the jackpot, sir. Because you just don’t give a shit. That’s what you are all about, isn’t it ? Who cares if thousands of Americans and many more Iraqis have perished because of your ego and your refusal to listen to good advice. Your obsession of Iraq will be remembered as the turning point that brought forward the tanking of US power. Fuggettabout your New American Century. We’ll be lucky if we can get out of the current mess unscathed. History will not remember you kindly, and you better pray that disasters don’t pop up in the coming years because of all your bad decisions. If I’m the guy writing the history books, I’ll say you are in fact a Ayatollah in disguise who’s expert in using the politics of fear as a weapon and have completely no empathy with the people you are serving. You can deny but you can’t hide.

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